Native Instruments zapowiada nowe produkty i poważne zmiany w działaniu firmy

W ubiegłym tygodniu po sieci zaczęły krążyć pogłoski na temat masowych zwolnień w firmie Native Instruments. Wywołały one całkiem uzasadniony niepokój wśród osób używających jej produktów, które zaczęły obawiać się o przyszłość oprogramowania i sprzętu z serii Maschine, Traktor i Komplete. Wczoraj firma Native Instruments wydała oficjalne oświadczenie w tej sprawie.

Przedstawiciele Native Instruments oświadczyli, iż firma zamierza przeprowadzić restrukturyzację, ograniczając liczbę dodatkowych oddziałów. Ma to usprawnić jej funkcjonowanie i pomóc w pracy nad nowymi produktami, których premiery zaplanowano na ten i kolejny rok. W wyniku tych zmian musiała ona jednak niestety zredukować liczbę pracowników o 20%.

Głównym projektem, nad którym pracuje obecnie Native Instruments, jest nowa cyfrowa platforma dla muzyków, mająca spajać ze sobą oprogramowanie i sprzęt z jej katalogu oraz wybrane produkty firm trzecich. Niestety, jak na razie nie ujawniono żadnych konkretów na temat tego jak będzie ona funkcjonować i jakie korzyści miałaby oferować użytkownikom. Wiadomo jedynie, iż jej premierę zaplanowano na 2020 rok. Firma Native Instruments zapowiedziała też, że jeszcze w tym roku zaprezentuje nowy kontroler dla programu Traktor Pro 3. Na jego temat również nie ujawniono jak na razie żadnych konkretnych informacji.

Całą treść oświadczenia wydanego przez Native Instruments znajdziecie poniżej. Jeśli chcecie zapoznać się lepiej z pełnym obrazem sytuacji polecam też przeczytać krótki wywiad udzielony przez przedstawicieli Native Instruments serwisowi CDM.

Berlin, August 29, 2019 – Native Instruments, the world’s leading provider of software and hardware for computer-based music production, announced today a plan to centralize their global business operations, which includes a headcount reduction of 20% across all locations. The key reason for this difficult decision is to create the right organizational setup to focus on the development of a new, unified and fully integrated platform on which the company’s entire portfolio of products and services will be available next year. This change comes despite growing revenues in 2018 and the first half of 2019, but as a response to an increasing cost structure due to the company’s previous divisional setup and multi-brand approach.

“Today is a very emotional day for the Native community. We’ve been driving innovation in music creation since the 1990s. First through software instruments, then by expanding to an integrated ecosystem with complementing hardware and now by creating a unified platform experience for the modern music producer,” said Daniel Haver, the company’s CEO and co-founder. “To make this transformation successful, we needed to adapt our strategy, including a centralized functional setup that can support our vision of ‘One Native’. Unfortunately, this also means we had to make some tough decisions and part ways with a number of employees. This has been the hardest part of this transformation,“ he added.

Global headcount reduction of 20%

As a consequence of the company’s newly centralized organization to focus on its future strategy, Native Instruments had to make the difficult decision to reduce its workforce by around 100 employees across all sites. With most of the affected employees located at the company’s headquarters in Berlin, the departments that were impacted by the consolidation include Sales & Distribution, Marketing & Product Management, Administration and Engineering. All employees were informed about these changes on Thursday, August 29, 2019. The company regrets the impact this has on their employees, their families and the community. In addition to severance packages and outplacement services, Native Instruments has also established contacts with other Berlin-based companies that are currently looking for highly qualified personnel.

“This was the most difficult decision we had to make in our entire history, as our past successes have been enabled by the work of some of the best and most passionate people in the music industry. We thank all employees for their commitment, hard work, and their high degree of loyalty to Native Instruments. We are fully committed to doing all we can to take care of our employees impacted during this difficult time,” said Daniel Haver.

New platform starting in 2020

Recognizing changing customer behaviors worldwide, the aim of focusing on a unified platform strategy is to create an expandable commercial and technological basis for future growth in the digital music production area. For that, a new platform is currently being developed with the goal of offering new ways of accessing the company’s core products and services, as well as complementary ones from third-parties. The centralized platform will also include the company’s expanded portfolio of loops and samples, which is currently part of, and will launch in 2020. The company’s previous divisional structure, functional and brand silos, did not allow for a successful implementation of this strategy up until this point.

“Customers today are expecting a seamlessly integrated experience when consuming and accessing creative goods and services. We are confident that we can offer music producers worldwide a unique and premium experience by connecting our existing ecosystem of award-winning software and hardware to a centralized online service,” said Mate Galic, Native Instruments’ Chief Innovation Officer and President. “In the past, we expanded in different product lines, which was also reflected in our organizational structure. Our platform vision, however, requires a much more collaborative approach, having all parts of the company work together towards one common goal.”